WordsMatter podcast with Dr Oliver Thompson

Delighted to have been able to talk with Dr Oliver Thompson about my book chapter in the CauseHealth book, Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient.  Click on the image above to listen, or click HERE

'Patient skills' - a podcast with Jerry Durham PT

I was honoured in February 2019 to chat with US physiotherapist Jerry Durham about my persistent pain journey and my thoughts on ‘patient skills’.  Jerry is passionate about putting the patient first.  This is the podcast we did together.

PhysioMatters, Patient Matters, Session 6 - Sciatic Pain

Physiotherapist Tom Jesson has a special professional interest in sciatica, whilst I have 12 years experience of living with sciatica!  This PhysioMatters podcast records our chat together about all things sciatica.

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Last modified: 08/04/2022

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