What is sciatica?

Just delighted to have been able to work with the amazing Annina Schmidt, Laura Bassi and Joel Fundan to create this short video called ‘What is Sciatica?’.  We hope it will be the first of a series of short videos aimed at helping people living with sciatica and their friends, colleagues and family to understand sciatica better.

Back pain facts - presented by patients

Honoured to have been asked to contribute to this really good little video called:

’10 Facts every person should know about back pain.  Presented by patients’

Everything matters when it comes to pain

Reflecting on my experience of living with persistent pain I explain why everything matters when it comes to pain.   Filmed at a Flippin’ Pain event in December 2019.

Pain Geeks Book Club: 'Aches and Pains' by Louis Gifford with Laura Rathbone and Tina Price

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Last modified: 08/04/2022

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