Different types of pain
Nociceptive (most common) pain I think of nociceptive pain as ‘common’ pain. Examples of nociceptive pain include an ankle...
Neuropathic pain
I live with neuropathic pain, sometimes severe. I have been lucky to have been taught about pain, including neuropathic pain, from a...
Pain is an experience
Pain is a sensory and emotional experience The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) define pain as: ‘An unpleasant...
Pain sensitivity
Following an injury some people’s central nervous systems plastically change in an unhelpful way. As their tissues heal and...
Why do we have pain?
Have you ever thought about why we have pain? It’s something we have grown up with, and is very familiar to us, but why do we get...
Pain memories
There are many similarities between the biology of memory and the biology of pain, although that level of detail is not for...
Pain on, pain off
In the section called ‘Why do we have pain’, which can be accessed by clicking *HERE*, I started to look at some of the...