Dear clinician – medications
Dear Clinician Do you remember me? I remember you. I was the person who turned up in terrible pain asking for help. I had...
Dear clinician
Dear clinician Do you remember me? I haven’t seen you for over 8 years, but I remember you. I was the person who dissolved into tears...
A visual image of my sciatica
A lived experience account of sciatic body perception disturbances
‘My’ leg isn’t mine!
A lived experience account of sciatic body perception disturbances
Dear Clinician – early trauma and pain
Important Note I feel it is important for me to say that these are my personal thoughts only, based on my personal experience of early...
Dear clinician – thank you
As I sit here reflecting on my journey with pain, I am wondering if you remember me? You saw me during one of the most difficult periods of...
Trauma informed care for persistent pain
In this blog I look at what Trauma Informed Care is, and how I would personally like it to look for me as a persistent pain patient who has...
Cognitive Functional Therapy changed my life!
Why do some physiotherapists follow a Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) approach when treating chronic pain conditions? What does...
My pain journey in brief
10 years ago, I suffered a life changing injury in a manual handling incident. In simple terms I herniated a disc and my sciatic nerve root...
Evidence Based Practice: A patient’s journey
I have been hesitant to fully explain the beginning of my persistent pain journey. Any re-telling of my story will inevitably be one-sided...