There is absolutely no reason why you can’t enjoy life whilst living with pain. Granted pain can make it harder to do some things you enjoy, indeed there may be some things that you can no longer do, but there is so much you can do. You may also be surprised that you can still do the things you feared you couldn’t. For example for years following my injury I assumed I would never be able to ride again, but last year I was given the opportunity to get on a friend’s horse and take it for a gentle walk. I cannot describe to you the pleasure that very short ride, in the pouring rain, gave me!
I have found living with persistent pain difficult, as I am sure many others do, but life is for living, even if it is with pain. I would encourage everyone to do things they enjoy. That might be things they previously enjoyed, or maybe new things. Some things, for example going on holiday, may take more preparation than it did before, but that’s fine. Adjust to the new life you have and continue to enjoy it to it’s full!
Click on the pictures to learn more about each strand
1. Embrace the 'new you'
2. Understand pain
3. Understand YOUR pain
4. Know your pain triggers
5. Make plans, set goals
6. Pace yourself
7. Track your progress
8. Improve your sleep
9. Manage health conditions
10. Move and exercise
11. Improve your nutrition
12. Support your mental health
13. Relax and be mindful
14. Do things you enjoy
15. Attend to life stressors
16. Access clinician support
17. Ask for, and accept help
18. Help others understand
19. Review medications
20. Make adaptations, use aids
21. Return to work / education
22. Engage and socialise
23. Volunteer / help others
24. Explore resources