Before I could develop pain management methods, I first had to try and recognise what was triggering my pain. This wasn’t an easy process, particularly as my pain is so variable, but for me slowly identifying what was triggering or aggravating my pain was a process well worth going through. Once I understood these factors then I could pro-actively work out how to avoid them, or at least minimise them.
Although I can’t get rid of my chronic pain, through careful thought I have been able to learn to understand what affects my pain from both external factors (eg cold and lifting) and internal factors (eg stress). Armed with that understanding I have been able to adapt my life and environment in order to minimise the pain and facilitate me coping with my situation and leading a fulfilling life, including being able to work part time.
I hope the descriptions below about how I worked out my pain triggers, and then went onto manage my pain better may prove helpful.
Click on the pictures to learn more about each strand
1. Embrace the 'new you'
2. Understand pain
3. Understand YOUR pain
4. Know your pain triggers
5. Make plans, set goals
6. Pace yourself
7. Track your progress
8. Improve your sleep
9. Manage health conditions
10. Move and exercise
11. Improve your nutrition
12. Support your mental health
13. Relax and be mindful
14. Do things you enjoy
15. Attend to life stressors
16. Access clinician support
17. Ask for, and accept help
18. Help others understand
19. Review medications
20. Make adaptations, use aids
21. Return to work / education
22. Engage and socialise
23. Volunteer / help others
24. Explore resources